“你是从什么时候开始忘记 你是从什么时候开始忘记
忘记了这辈子其实很长 这辈子其实很短
长到你可以跌倒再站起来 短到你没时间去勉强自己
做梦又醒来。 没时间再去讨厌你自己。”
Department of Psychology, UBC
Decision Insights for Business & Society, UBC
Hi there,
Nice to meet you! My name is Chaoyi(Lyra). I am a Behavioural science researcher living in Vancouver, Canada. Currently, I work as a project supervisor studying how choice architecture (e.g., preselection default) influences financial decision-making,
attention, and memory in a realistic scenario.
Aside from being a full time researcher, I am also a video creator who loves capturing and collecting wonderful moments in my life.
In September 2021, I officially became a MA student in cognitive science, which is an amazing field that I have a strong passion for! Under the supervision of Dr. Jiaying Zhao, I gained a more solid understanding of what "good research" means. My personal growth has been rapid during the past few years and I'm excited to take on more challenges in the future!
For questions and inquiries (or if you just wanna chat), please contact cshi@psych.ubc.ca.
My Journey to be a better me:
2020 - Present
Behavioral Science Research Supervisor, UBC
2019 - 2020
Social Media Research Assistant, UBC
2019 - 2019
Behavior interventionist, Inspired Learning Consulting
2018 - Present
Teaching Assistant, UBC